There is a time and place for sharing your insights, experiences, expertise and ideas; it’s generally after you’ve listened to the other person and helped them find a solution from inside themselves.
There is a time to offer suggestions, possibilities, or options; again generally after you’ve listened or if they are completely stuck.
It is rarely a good move to simply tell someone else what they “should” do.
With this in mind, Over To The Youth and Boys To Men Canada are excited to be bringing you this free online workshop themed around advice-giving. Drawing from experiential practises of working with youth, this session benefits anyone interested in levelling-up their interpersonal communication and mentoring skills.
Use the button below to sign up to the workshop:
And if you know of anyone else who may be interested in this session, feel free to share this piece with them.
We look forward to sharing this with you as part of our work to prepare tomorrow’s leaders today.
With gratitude,
Over To The Youth
What if...?
A Talk-a-holic
On-And-On Anon dropout
seeking listeners/readers
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